Introduction to YAML
Introduction - >
YAML itself is a data serialization language. In simple terms, it is basically a simple human-readable language that can be used to represent data. Previously YAML is known as "Yet Another Markup language". But currently, its full form is - YAML Ain’t markup language.
Why YAML is so popular - >
Human readable & intuitive
Configuration files are all written in YAML.
Widely used format.
For different DevOps tools & applications.
What is YAML - >
It's a data format used to exchange data.
It's a data serialization language Similar to XML & JSON. [ Data serialization - It's basically the process of converting the data object(Code + Data) into a stream of bytes, that can be used to transfer data. ]
- In YAML you can store only data not commands.
[ NOTE:- YAML file extensions are .yaml and .yml ]
YAML Use Cases - >
For Docker compose files, Ansible & Kubernetes configuration files & for other DevOps tools.
For logs & caches etc.
Benefits of YAML - >
It is simple & easy to read.
It has a strict syntax - Indentation is important.
Easily convertible to XML & JSON files.
It is more powerful when representing complex data.
You can use various tools with it like parsers etc.
!!!!!For more details into syntax, datatypes, comments, key-value pairs, etc. in YAML check out these two videos & an article for more hands-on experience!!!!!
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